Our healthcare system is complex! Christine has the skills and knowledge to navigate it to your benefit as you age or to help you support aging family members.
Are you looking for services and support to continue living in your own home? Do you have an aging Mother, Father or Sibling you are concerned about and are looking for alternate housing ideas?
Accessing the publicly funded services can include:
- Home and Community Care – Health Authority based:
- Vancouver Coastal Health Authority: http://www.vch.ca/your-care/home-community-care/care-options/home-support
- Fraser Health Authority: https://www.fraserhealth.ca/seniors
- Long-term Care and Assisted Living services (ie Nursing homes)
- Community Mental Health Services
- Adult Day Programs
- Respite
- Home Health Equipment and supplies
Accessing Private System can include:
- Hiring caregivers
- Finding Private Long-term care / supportive housing and assisted living homes
- Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy
- Housekeeping, cooking
- Support Moving
- Equipment and supplies ie: incontinent products, walkers, canes, hospital beds
- Community Based Programs for Socialization and Exercise
Future Planning:
- Representation Agreements Advice and support drafting https://www.nidus.ca/representation-agreement/
- Power of Attorney with Enduring clause
- Wills
- MAID- Medical Assistance in Dying
Knowing what to ask and who to call when you are accessing services is paramount. Christine can advise, coach and guide or take on a bigger role and make these calls on your behalf. Home visits, telephone and video sessions are charged as per Counselling Sessions.
Services outside of these (referred as Case Management/Advocacy) that may include connecting with care partners, making referrals, advertising and hiring private caregivers are billed at $95.00/ hour.